Insert fangirl squee here… drop what you are doing and read The Fangirl Files

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Hey guys, we are gathered here today for a momentous occasion to check my friend Amy H. Johnson’s new book, The Fangirl Files, the hell out.

It’s hard out there for a fangirl, pimping the things we love.

Despite being smarter and sexier than the general population – I mean, this is a scientific fact because we basically feast on the souls of hot, shirtless men – fangirls are often maligned and misunderstood.

So, naturally, I was as excited as the bottle of water Alcide splashes in the latest Magic Mike when Amy unveiled a book about a key part of my identity.

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Buffy Rewatch – What’s My Line Part II

Two Slayers!


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Buffy Rewatch – What’s My Line Part I

Let’s talk about Drusilla, who Spike is attempting to revive to full health in this two parter. I’ll go into the plot more in Part II.

We’ve seen that she has certain extra-sensory abilities that haven’t been observed in other vampires, having the ability to sense and predict things… (“Don’t worry. Everything’s switching. Outside to inside. It makes her weak ” “Did my pet have a vision?…”It hums. I can hear it.”) And this probably endows her with a very unique perception of the world. Add that to all of the psychological damage that Angel inflicted + the influence of the demon and you have one complicated vampire.

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Buffy Rewatch – The Dark Age



I thought I’d do something a little different for this review and do a stream of consciousness review.

Now, thoughts!

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Buffy Rewatch – Lie To Me



This is my favorite episode of BtVS up to this point. I think it’s perfectly written and directed, and showing just how much the quality of the show has increased since the pilot. The last scene is a mission statement that things are not going to be as simple as good guys defeating monsters, but the entire episode seems to constantly question what the truth is. The moment that an idea is introduced, it’s subverted, and nothing can be taken at face value.

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Buffy Rewatch – Halloween




This was one of my favorite early episodes of Buffy. I love how the show takes a concept that could have been just an opportunity for a comedy episode full of wacky hilarity – people being transformed into their Halloween costumes – and makes it into story full of revealing character moments. I think this is why it is one of my favorite episodes up to this point in the show.

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Buffy Rewatch – Reptile Boy

First of all, I LOVE CORDY. Cordelia’s fake laugh is hysterical. And then when she says “I respect you too much to be dishonest” re: Buffy’s hair and clothes. EXCELLENT. And of course the scene where she lays out all the ground rules for Buffy coming with her to the party is fabulous. Then in the end, Cordy realizes that she’s much rather hang around high school boys whom she can control than ~cool~ college boys. I LOVE YOU, CORDY.

The opening scene is all sorts of adorable. I like that we get instances of Buffy, Willow, and Xander hanging out in a non-slaying capacity. It makes the whole world feel a bit more real, like things are still happening, even when we aren’t watching.

Wow, is that enough absurd phallic imagery? I mean, wealthy men sacrificing women to their devotion to a Giant Snake. That is not terribly subtle, and I’ll admit I kind of enjoy it in a so-bad-it’s-good-way.

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Buffy Rewatch – Inca Mummy Girl


Buffy Rewatch  - 2x04 - “Inca Mummy Girl”
For most of time I just can’t decide whether I dislike “I, Robot…You, Jane” more or ”Inca Mummy Girl”. I usually just skip this episode as its just plain hard to rewatch.
At its essence, the episode is decent. You have parallels to Buffy/Angel, you have a source of Xander’s dislike of Angel for the rest of the show and you have introduction of Oz, one of the best BTVS characters ever.
The problem with the episode? The Plot-of-The-Week is full of cultural stereotypes and paranoia in similar fashion to “I, Robot…You, Jane” and a lot of what is explored in episode is just a re-tread to what already has been explored.

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Yeeeeeeeeeeah. Not the best episode out there, for sure. I definitely have issues with the way Xander treats a male foreign exchange student staying with Buffy versus the way he acts when she turns out to be female. I do, however, like that he’s willing to give that up for Willow, even if he’s not in love with her.

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Buffy Rewatch – School Hard

Spike and Drusilla are here you guys!  Spike and Drusilla.

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Buffy Rewatch – Some Assembly Required

Some Assembly Required: This is not one of the reasons season 2 is my favorite. But, it has awesome Giles/Jenny development and Cordelia funtimes.

So in this episode, Giles and Miss Calendar go on a date. Or should I say Jenny? I don’t think she even mentioned her first name before, because that’s the first I’ve heard of it. It’s cute anyway, it suits her. Oh, and some stuff happened with a guy who resurrected his dead brother and went around trying to make a creepy Frankenstein’s monster girlfriend for him by cutting up dead girls. But, y’know, that’s kind of unimportant, I didn’t really pay attention to that.

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