Tag Archives: True Blood

Revenge of the Good Boy Woobies: Matt Donovan, Dean Forester and Dawson Leery

It is coming! The Good Boy Woobie is coming! Save yourselves!


So, a single-celled organism crawled out of the primordial ooze, and that pretty much led to a little something I like to call Good Boy Woobies or GBWs for short.

What are these GBWs you speak of, you ask? This character trope doesn’t even exist!

Well, actually, my friends, GBWs have been living among us for some time now, quietly infecting our TV screens ever since the dark day that Dawson Leery’s forehead entered the teen drama landscape.

Crying!Dawson, you call to me with a siren song all these years later!

Dawson has been joined in the GBW ranks by Dean Forester from Gilmore Girls and Matt Donovan from Vampire Diaries, characters who you are often bashed over the head by writers with the message, “Like them, like them, like them! They are so kewl! Feel sorry for them and their manpain and mangst”, but may have left you with the nagging suspicion that, actually you kinda loathe them with a fiery passion or are occasionally overwhelmed by the sheer extent of their douchiness.
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Supes 101 – Lycanthropes, misanthropes and Wolfy McWolves

Lycanthropy, or being a werewolf, is a condition that doesn’t seem to get the same attention as vampirism.

Never really been able to understand why that is the case, myself. I mean, here are some fairly convincing reasons for close, close examination:


Oops, sorry, was that GIF too fast for the human naked eye to follow? OK, let’s break it down into its itty, bitty parts…



For the fangirls who take the time to make pic series like these, let me take this opportunity to tell you that I LOVE YOU like I love kittens and sunshine. Which is to say, a lot!



 Tyler: What should I wear? I don’t think it’s like the Hulk where I get to keep my pants. 


But seriously though, werewolf mythologies fascinate me just as much as vampire ones. So many questions spring to mind when I think about them.

What happens to a person’s humanity or “soul”, for want of a better term, when they wolf out? Is it still present but just suppressed by the wolf’s animalistic urges? Or does it leave the building altogether when Wolfy McWolf takes over? Are werewolves more demonic or animalistic? In what ways is a werewolf different to, or more demonic than, an ordinary wolf? What does the transformation from human to werewolf involve? Is this transformation limited to the full moon, or can this be done at will? And just like it can be argued that real vampires don’t sparkle, should real werewolves be able to transform any time it strikes their fancy anyway? What is the difference between werewolves and shapeshifters?

Suddenly not just looking like overgrown bunny eaters, are they?

So let’s address some of these questions as they relate to the werewolf mythologies in Buffy The Vampire Slayer, the Harry Potter series, the Twilight series, Sookieverse (True Blood and the Sookie Stackhouse novels), the Underworld series and The Vampire Diaries, shall we?

 The Vampire Diaries  Season 1 Rewind, Part 3: Full-Speed Undead!


See, even Tyler wants to know what it all means when it comes to werewolves!

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Supes 101 – Love, free will, and supes

My, what big fangs you have Eric! (TM KJewls) Source

Vampire boy meets human girl. Boy likes girl. Boy shows girl how big his fangs are. Girl has fairy blood that is like crack for boy. Boy tries to glamour girl. Girl is impervious to his compulsion but not to his preternatural hotness. More supernatural hijinks ensue. Boy and girl try their hardest to live happily ever after, never mind the difficulties inherent in the boy’s ever after being eternity and his inhuman nature.

Ahh, supes and the emoteens and emoadults who love them. Not exactly the stuff fairytales are made of.

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Mixtape Mondays – Anti Love – Spidey Bill & Spidette Sookie – True Blood – Part II

This guy recommends you get a taste of Part I if you haven’t already first…

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Mixtape Mondays – Anti Love – Spidey Bill & Spidette Sookie – True Blood – Part I


Oh, you thought I wouldn’t use this GIF again? Clearly you don’t know me very well 😉

Confession time.

Unlike Lorena, who is tragically Bill-sexual, I am firmly rooting for a certain blonde Viking vampire to be the final suitor when the smoke clears in both Sookieverse worlds – the TV series True Blood and the Southern Vampire Mysteries novels on which the show is based.


whytheyrehot:  Why He’s Hot: He’s a Vampire. That’s right, a fucking Vampire. But he’s not some sparkly virgin, oh no! This dude knows how to get down because he’s been getting down with girls(and even some dudes) left and right for over 1000 years. Yeah, you heard me right. He’s had 1000 years to perfect his technique and believe me he’s put that time to good use. Two words — gracious plenty. If you’ve read the Charlaine Harris books you know what I’m talking about and if you haven’t, well, I’ll go ahead and tell you: He’s got a big ‘ole cock. It’s been confirmed. It’s HUGE. (Warning, that link contains fucking hot book spoilers.) He knows how to dress. In fact, he can wear outfits that look completely ridiculous on anyone else and you accept it and love it and can’t wait to rip it the fuck off and beg for him to do you right then and there. His smile and those fangs. Maybe you’re not into getting bit during sex but give this guy five minutes and you’ll be offering your neck to him regardless of whether or not you have a boyfriend. He’s just that good. His arms. His neck. His clavicles. His back. Every piece of this dude is hot and pictures of any part can be instantly be qualified as porn. That should tell you something right there. {Our first fictional character submission}


Ordinarily, I am a reasonable blogger, and willing to analyse ships fairly that may not necessarily be my own, because I can still objectively see why they have developed.

There are really only two ships that draw out the irrational fangirl in me. One is Dawson Leery and Joey Potter from Dawson’s Creek. The other is Bill Compton and Sookie Stackhouse.

So I have decided to bestow the dubious honour on Beel and Sookeh of being the subject of the very first Anti Love Mixtape ever created here at Spidey.

The book and television versions of the relationship are quite different and deserve to be considered on their own terms, so I will be tracking the True Blood portrayal of the pair.

Viking love will be rampant in this post and gratuitous Eric Northman shots will appear for the most tenuous of reasons. You’ve been warned, Bill’s Babes. (Before you dive in, you might also want to get a Viking shot in the arm from blogger pal Julie’s awesome slightly smutty Skarsgard (her words, not mine ;)) post or by heading over to Sookieverse Blog for a look at worship of the Gracious Plenty on an unparalleled level).

Alright, let’s get into it!

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Supes 101 – Do vampires have souls?


Do vampires have a soul? It depends on how you see the world, as the Buffster says!

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